Suzanne – EFT Tapping Therapist
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EFT Tapping Therapy and Training, London
I have been helping people to step into their own power since 1999 and online since 2004. Initially trained as a scientist, I eventually started on a healing journey due to a debilitating physical condition and the related emotional trauma. I released the past that was holding me back, let go of many
limiting beliefs, and built a lifestyle of happiness and joy. To achieve this, I learned several healing modalities, of which I will list the main ones: EFT Master Practitioner and Trainer, Reiki Master Practitioner and Trainer, NLP Coach, and Hypnotherapist. It is all about getting results by changing your
physiology, in a way you can actually feel in your session itself. See at least a partial result along the way in each and every session. That is how you can have a rapid change in the way you think and feel. I use
energy techniques and EFT Tapping with everything, which has been scientifically proven to change your biochemistry. After all, thoughts and beliefs can be pretty much whittled down to biochemicals and
electrical impulses in our physical body. I am involved in setting standards for EFT Tapping in 2 countries and am a Director of an EFT Tapping association. Everything I do includes EFT Tapping. I love, live, and breathe EFT!
What is EFT Tapping
EFT Tapping releases whatever is holding you back, and, used alongside NLP and coaching methods, it takes you from where you are to where you want to be, in a way that you can measurably feel in each and
every individual session. There is no guesswork or hoping that you will see results at some point I the future. You can tell in the session itself, because you can feel it working. That is real peace of mind. I believe in getting results. With this in mind, I have packages designed from over 20 years of experience,
to help specific conditions.
Step Into Your Power – £1600
This is a structured EFT Tapping Therapy package of 20 sessions comprising up-to-90-minutes of pure results work each, taking you from shy wallflower to a more confident, powerful you. Includes email and text support in-between sessions and can be used over anything from 20 days to 6 months, whichever
pace is right for you.
Habit Begone – £897
A result of 18 years of helping people let go of addictions and compulsions. Suitable for smoking, bulimia/anorexia/disordered eating (we may have to work alongside a functional nutritionist), obesity, cocaine, crystal meth, cannabis, heroin (after stopping, during or after treatment), and many other
addictions and compulsions . You get up to 12 sessions of up-to-90-minutes each of EFT Tapping Therapy designed to get you off the habit without feelings of deprivation, loss, or panic. Depending on the severity of the addiction, more than one package may be required, and some habits, such as cigarette smoking, may require less than 12 sessions, which is why this package is up to 12 sessions rather than exactly 12 sessions. I do my best as an addictions specialist to set you free from the habits. Using EFT Tapping with NLP means that you let go of the real emotional reasons why you are addicted. Nobody is addicted to anything because they want to be. Even if it seems that way. The addiction is a coping mechanism to help you cope with the underlying emotions, which you may be completely unaware of. By releasing these emotions, you no longer need the self-medication or self-soothing, and so you no longer need the habit. Simple.
Relationship Attraction Formula – £897
A result of 16 years of helping singles find love, this is a structured program designed to release old limiting beliefs that sabotage forming or keeping happy lasting relationships. You get 12 sessions of up-to-90-minutes each of EFT Tapping Coaching designed to get you date-ready and happy relationship-ready.
Couples EFT Tapping – £897
This is a unique program designed especially for couples who want to improve their relationship. The biggest difference from the usual couples therapy is that you do not spend the session complaining about each other and finding compromises. Rather, with EFT Tapping (and a bit of NLP), you get to:
• Literally feel resentments leaving your body;
• Actually feel closer to each other during the couples session – I often see couples hug and kiss at
the end of their session;
• Release blocks in the path of your happiness, naturally finding new ways for relationship joy.
Your 10-session package includes 4 up-to-60-minute sessions for both of you together and 6 up-to-60- minute individual sessions. Sessions for you together as a couple are strictly controlled so that neither partner can take over, feel shamed, or unfairly treated. You simply release negative emotions and strengthen your bond. This is because EFT Tapping is not a mind control or talk therapy method but a powerful energy healing method.
Becoming an EFT Practitioner – £497
Your course is mainly experiential, so you learn as you do. You get to see your fellow attendees as well as enjoy practising with them in breakout rooms, and with small class sizes, you can ask any questions you like in the lectures. Your course includes live online workshops of EFT Level 1, EFT Level 2, one year’s full association membership, certificates, manuals, 6 months email support, and 10 Peer Practice mini- workshops, where you can help build your case studies and gain further supervised experience. This course offer is uniquely available to Chief Awakening clients and suitable for anyone wanting to
work at practitioner level as an EFT Tapping Practitioner, or anyone wanting to help themselves or loved ones find freedom from emotional or physical pain.