Paranormal Reading
Paranormal Psychic readings
Paranormal is the existence of situations/events that cannot be explained scientifically, whereas supernatural events such as earthquakes, Tsunamis or Volcanic eruptions can be. Synchronicity has a paranormal flavour, often which occurs to most human beings from time to time, examples of which could be meeting a long lost friend in a far corner of the earth. To me paranormal experiences that might be perceived as coincidences, happen up to 20 times or more per day. Normally before they occur I am battling with some problem or issue in my mind and as I look up a series of events occur aligned to what I had just been mulling over.
The paranormal psychic readings can be conducted in various ways, they can be executed in person utilising “electronic tarot carding” system which provide unbelievably accurate predictions which simply cannot be explained scientifically. I have found the findings to be invaluable in providing ease, comfort and direction regarding personal matters of confusion and irritation.
The second paranormal psychic reading can be requested in advance in writing where by a series of questions are asked and I am then at liberty to provide information or intelligence to those specific questions or need for clarity that you may be struggling to square the circle in your life or business.
Oftentimes the results provide information, that can then be followed up either by yourself or another person for research, in layman’s terms, can provide vital clues to questions such as “who is snooping on me” “Where are they located” “What happened to my lost wedding band” “What career path should I follow” “what’s blocking my success” and so forth.
I am interested in working with individual trailblazers
I am also keen to accept offers of investigative work.