Career Coaching
At Chief Awakening, we understand that fear is a major barrier to making changes in your career. It prevents most of us from taking the necessary action. In the Career transformation programme, with the guidance of your career coach, you will travel deep within, to make contact with that child who, at three years old, was asked, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’. A revolution will be ignited within you and you will discover what it really is that you want to do. Together, we can make your dreams a reality, using proven life coaching techniques. With the right career coaching, London is your oyster.
Our Career Coaching will help you;
- Discover the career(s) that are most aligned with your universal truth
- Overcome fear of changing career
- Receive TLC and guidance from your career coach each step of the way
- Uncover your hidden talents and skills
- Discover that you are worthy and capable of the very best
- Turbocharge your income with a high-paying career that you love
- Understand that when you love what you do, it’s not work
Life Coaching for Career Angels
Most of the lovely clients who visit my practice regard career as being one of the most important areas of their lives. They want to achieve significant breakthroughs in their work. In a highly pressured environment, it can be very difficult to make changes or even know where to begin. Perhaps you are stuck in a dead-end job, going nowhere. Perhaps your parents always wanted you to become a doctor, teacher or lawyer and, consequently, you felt compelled to live out their wishes rather than to consider your own. Maybe you’re tired of riding cattle-class, with someone’s malodorous armpit in your face, several feet below ground. You could be working for a rude, ungrateful boss who takes you for granted, watching your high-flyer friends living the dream while you have to slog away in a job you would love to leave if it weren’t for the expensive London bills that must be paid. Book a Free consultation with one of our Career Coaches to see how we can help you achieve a career that will light you up!