Recovery Coaching


Recovery Coaching London

Addiction, the repetitive behaviour cycles which lead to pain and misery. That feeling of having a hole in one’s soul, that no amount of Food, Alcohol, Money, Love, Sex, can fill. Behind much of our addictions lies early childhood trauma. Perhaps we grew up in a home where substance or alcohol abuse was used as a way to deal with distressing emotions, or perhaps we experienced a bad break-up or loss in our later life. When we reached outside ourselves to fill the emptiness we feel inside, we often found that the relief experienced was only temporary, leaving us feeling hopeless and deflated. Our work together will involve investigation work, identification of the addictive source.

recovery coaching

Addictive Areas:

Drugs, Prescription drugs, Alcohol, Food, Sex, Money, Workaholic, Eating disorders, Anger, Control, Love, Fantasy, Sex/Intimacy avoidance, Co-dependence, gaming, gambling, Drama, shopping, Smoking.

Your Recovery Coach will help you:

  • Overcome addictions and negative life patterns
  • Fill that void and emptiness inside with love and acceptance
  • Halt damaging addictive patterns and behaviours
  • Lead a more spiritually centred life
  • Access outside treatment or counselling services you might require, such as a rehab centre or 12 step meetings.
  • Reduce the need to “act out” on negative feelings.

Recovery Coaches London

It has been said that nothing outside of you, can fix you, the only person who has the power to fix you is yourself. For inside each of us is a person, a spirit, who is craving our own love, our own acceptance, our own approval, nobody can give this to us, but ourselves. That partner, that job promotion, that approval from achieving the highest sales is short-lived and will only go so far. Self Love and approval comes from within, and once you crack this, your external world will mirror your inner radiance and self-confidence

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